Friday, March 19, 2010

Mr. Obama denies Citizens Rights of Thailand sanctions child abduction

Dear President Obama :
     You were contacted as a US Senator, a Senator hoping to become US President,
and again and again US President. You are a 'first' in US history for a President
however you are a 'last' and typical of all preceeding Presidents; you roll over or
roll with the tide; you compromise, you bend to the politics.
   The USA has a 'partnering relationship with Thailand, a UN member who has NOT SIGNED all of the
Hague Accords for Childrens' rights...and notablly a member of asian-collective : ASEAN..of whom eight (8) of its' members [also UN members] have a 'cultural tradition' a 'social' policy...usually meaning... absolutely no written laws...that permits parental child abduction [kidnapping]. You intervene for US Corporations. for patent ownership of IT, VDO, MPG rights and Thailand superficially permits it to the extent it gives the appearance of 'cooperative',
international, and 'civilized'.
    You DO NOT intervene for a US citizen child or a USC father's rights; you abandon US Citizens.
    Thai 'cultural tradition' without laws strips a father of obligations and custody rights and a means of intervention to protect.  Thai Police always 'give-over' children to a Thai mother...without any police records being made or requests for the mother's arrest no matter the criminality or the psychosis.
     Are these your 'partners' for policies or 'partner's' for immoral and unethical human rights breeches? Perhaps the theft and use of those stolen and pressed ganged into being 'slaves' to ones household and estate was OK also? Or perhaps President Obama, you lack a black soul but do indeed have a black heart?
    Thailand, under the guise of 'democracy' just like you, and appearing 'progressive and modern' just like you...wants to be seated on the UN Commision for Human Rights..
     Thailand admits that although they have a less than perfect history...'Thailand can learn on the job once instated.' quoted by the current MFA ...the wouldbe promoter of himself for this job.
     Are you doing much as you can, Mr. President, or are there still some issues that you should have attended and should not have allowed?
   My case has been put before you emmissaries: US Ambassador Eric John, Sec. Hillary Clinton, Sen.Barbara Boxer,..Nancy Pelosi,..California Victims of Crime Commission...the FBI and the Immigration and ...none has taken any interest.
   So, please Mr Obama, do not ask me to take an interest in your Senate wrestling or you cholesterol indulgence. My problem will need to be fixed without you. Perhaps my son will develop as an American who
wishes to be himself, free US and Thai govenments and 'culture-political' protectionisms.

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