Saturday, January 31, 2009

Petition to Obama for denial of Citizen Rights

US President Barack Obama
cc: Secretary General United Nations
cc: US Secretary-State Hillary Clinton
cc: US Dem. House Chair, Nancy Pelosi

Dear President Obama :

In regard to multiple grievances I inform and petition for remediation.

My situation and its' history represents social-cultural failure, diplomatic failure, and judicial failure; by Thailand and by

My case represents victimization and a lifelong legacy of damages; it also represents rights abuse.

I am a US Citizen, now elderly (age 61), previously a health care provider and a researcher. I am a crime victim;
now in Bangkok Thailand, exploited via sponsorship of Thai Mr. Olan-Malisa Khamphungton, defrauded by the Thai
Kasikorn Bank who chose to protect the Bank and to assist Mr. Olan as 'Thai help Thai'.

In quest for justice, I was denied Thai Police action, denied Police reporting, and systematically denied legal assistance and legal venue to Court remediation against causes and victimizers.

In quest to remain present in hope of action or remediation, I was denied waiver by Thai Police or Thai Immigration.
The Kasikorn Bank was however willing to commit perjury and falsify documents to accomplish this.

The stresses induced upon my Thai wife Kannika Seangnuan, who already has a history of self abuse and hormone imbalance, compelled her to abduct our children by force (+): Conor-Bruce (4) who is a US Citizen and Jeannie (7) [to whom I have been Guardian-Father*] I have been denied custody and access rights for over one year already.

The Cases' complexity and continuation was presented to the Thai Human Rights Commission who took no action and have no powers to take any action.
The Case has also been advanced for intervention by members of the Royal Family for moral concerns.
And to the United Nations for Human Rights and Childrens' Rights Violations.

The United States Government under Pres. GW. Bush claims that it cannot comment nor intercede in what Thailand does; Thai Sovereign Rights precede those of Childrens' Rights; Thailand cannot be held responsible for harm.

The US Embassy Bangkok, US Dept. State, and US Ambassadors' Boyce and Eric John will not be held accountable
for maintaining the 176 years of 'partnership' with Thailand. The Embassy does not aid victims of crime by Thailand,
Thai Businesses, Thai Citizens, and Thai-US Diplomacy. US Citizens who are victimized are 'expendable casualties
of traveling at their own risk and are at fault for doing so.' The Embassy prefers to adapt to the Thai story.

As a concerned father, I will not abandon my son Conor to this legacy of damages; as a concerned father-guardian, I cannot abandon Jeannie who was abandoned by her father and denied opportunities that should be available. Ms. Kannika is is need of mental health counseling and opportunities.

I have had all that I was educated and worked for exploited from me; all that I should have been able to do, professionally and for my family has been voided.

As you have experienced multiple cultures and the limitations and biases of each you thus understand unfair play, denial of participation, biased judgments, and longterm injuries.

The previous Governor of Bangkok, was petitioned, who is now PM of Thailand.

I petitioned you as Senator Obama and was denied and told to wait and the case forwarded to Sen.Feinstein who again evaded and denied action; I do thus find it insulting that Sen.Feinstein was chosen to represent the
future and hope that you offer.

Your reputation is coupled with your responsibility to admit and to correct its' errors and to 'intrude' anywhere
on issues that are fundamental rights that are denied in Thailand.

With Regards,
Dr. K.Conor

+ Forceful-threat abduction, August 2007, by Budapest Hungary man: 'Thomas' Zoltan Laszlo,
continually present in Thailand and not questioned or arrested by Thai Police or Thai Immigration. and
previously USA present as assitant to Rep. Tom Lantos.

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