Saturday, January 31, 2009

FBI San Francisco cc Dept. of Justice 23 Oct 2007
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th. Floor
San Francisco, California 94102-9523 (415) 553-7400


I am an elder (60) US Citizen defrauded and exploited via sponsorship (INS) of Thai Mr. Olarn Malisa Khamphungton who concealed theft and fraud; who continues to work as prostitute in San Francisco.

My lifetime assets were exploited ($120K).

I also gave up a lucrative employment which would have given me a 'nest egg' of $2M at retirement.
This damaged me professionally, it damaged the stablity of my family and childrens' future, and for the future.
I discovered assets hidden in BOA bank box ($58K) and ($40K) hidden in Thai Kasikorn Bank in Bangkok.

>BOA assets were fraudulently given over to Mr. Malisa by a Calif. attorney Eric Zuber, who perjured himself to Superior Court of California, San Francisco; the Court, its Justice, and Clerk were all negligent and lax without due diligence. This deception was assisted by Mr. Eric Dzuber, legal council.
>The Kasikorn Bank assets I attempted to secure or restrict; but collusion between this Thai Bank and
Olarn-Malisa resulted in adjudicated denial; all assets were given to Malisa and not USA reported (INS).
>In seeking legal justice, I was victimized again and robbed by Thai police ($5K) and denied a Thai legal access [bias]. In seeking private intervention via a 'police' family, Krajong, I was defrauded again ($10K).
>The US Embassy-State Dept. has been informed , but as matter of diplomatic policy denies me aid or protection or repatriation. The Embassy has actively encourages me to abandon my Thai family and to latter (?) extricate them, 'at another time'
The Bangkok Embassy has also perjured itself to Dem. Rep Nancy Pelosi when queried about my situation.

The turmoil that this has caused me is abandonment, destitution, and disruption of my family unity; this
has resulted in the abduction of my US citizen son Conor (3) by forcible threat [Budapest mafia]
Thomas Zoltan Laszlo, August 5, 2007.

Again, the StateDept.-US Embassy is neither concerned nor assistive as 'this is a civil matter' and 'Thailand is
not a Signee of the UN Hague Convention, a Thai can abduct, but you and the Embassy cannot save'
I have petitioned nearly every US Gov office and CA office on this: Pres. GW Bush, Sec.State Rice, Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, Sen. Biden, Sen.Feinstein, Sen.Boxer, Rep.Pelosi. No help.

>As a US citizen means my rights and those of my son and his future are denied. We are in effect Stateless.
and without Citizenship Rights.
>Dept State and Bangkok Embassy considers all of this collateral victimization damage as 'a personal civil'
problem. US Embassy Ambassador Eric John, a Pres. GW Bush appointee, has never responded with any concern.
>FBI or INS could easily arrest Mr.Olan-Malisa as he now enjoys being made a US Citizen and is resident in San Francisco.
FBI and ICE Agents attached to the US Bangkok Embassy have evaded advancing this case to Home Offices.

Perhaps then I could recover some of the stolen assets that I worked for.

with regards,

Olan-Malisa Khamhungton, recvd US Residency and citizenship, defrauded to obtain INS benefits. Defrauded sponsor to obtain assets. Perjury to CA superior court. Fraud to IRS tax concealment and transfer of crime assets to Thailand. Import of controlled drugs with purpose of sale-profit. Concealment of prior Prostitution activities in Thailand and current activities in San Francisco. [I have a list of other crime victims]
Malisa's last address was Weller Hotel, 908 Post street San Francisco. Near Post/ Hyde.

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