Thursday, May 22, 2008

US Ambassador Eric John abides Victimization of Citizen

US Ambassador Ralph Boyce, as the US Dept.State's representative in Bangkok is more than just an inept embarassment.

During his 'watch', I, a US Citizen Crime Victim [defrauded by Thai Kasikorn Bank,
Thai Metro Police, collusive bias due to obtaining US Residency for
Thai citizen Olan-Malisa Khamphungton]...repeatedly requested that the Ambassador and the American Citizen Services aid, protect, intervene..take note. No reply from Mr.Boyce and only antagonism from the American Citizens Service.

The replacement Ambassador... Eric John, is in my experience, worse, takes a lowly profile, does not reply. He represents himself as only a Pres.GW Bush republican appointee who uses 'correct thinking' not decide.

As all US Gov. employees are required to take an Oath of Office to adhere to US Constitution..Bill of Rights, the Bangkok Embassy, Dept State, US Ambassador are all in BREECH OF OATH of Office, negligent, and deny a US Citizen aid, relief, protection.

The years of stress and conflict with the victimizer causes: Kasikorn Bank and Mr.Olan, and the evasive US Gov. offices: FBI,INS,IRS,STATE,SEN,Congress,..

Thai Police, Human Rights, Thai Royal Family, Ministry Foreign Affairs...has only led to furthering the damage: desolution of family unity..and abduction of my children
[all legal in Thailand]

At 61, I am not employable in Siam, not aided, and as a crime am
required to 'pay' for my USA homeless?
case files:

Thus, if a US Ambassador tosses $$100K USD at idols and art, gives money to a ridiculed Thai nun [whom the Thais ignore]...while a US Citizen is damaged;
...does sovereignty of Thailand take lead over Human,Citizen,Children Rights?
...does the 'AID' to China and Burma not infringe on their sovereignty?
I am expected to represent America, bow low and humble to US gov. interests....
and pay them respect and taxes...US State Dept....DREAM.

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