Tue Oct 23, 2007
Dear President Bush and Vice-President Chaney,
I am a US Citizen, born in America, born in Boston, educated in Boston, and now age 60. I agree with what you have done to protect America by active steps to ensure safety.I do not accept what you and the Dept. of State has done for me: NOTHING.
The State Dept. claims they respect foreign sovereignty, it is correct to insert troops into Iraq,Kosovo, Hati, and to chastiseChina and Burma, on indifference to Human Rights, and social denial of basic freedom and rights for children.....and then you do nothing about what Thailand is doing to american citizens such as me....especially what they have not done to aid me and my family in a deteriorating situation in a decadent society.
I AM A CRIME VICTIM, defrauded, exploited, and robbed by thai's, thai police, thai governments, and especiallyby the US Embassy in Bangkok who claims that although I am a US Citizen and a crime victim and that myselfand my family is damaged, the US State Dept. policy is 'not to interfere with the sovernty of Thailand.'
Therefore, I am abandoned and left destitute.
Mr. President, you pushed forward a good policy of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. My son and adopted daughterwill be left out and left behind by the US Embassy, and by the sum total of US Government as they willnever be allowed into the USA, I am denied, they are denied their citizenship and birth rights.
Mr. President, you have pushed for Visa-U, to protect 'illegal' aliens who are crime victims, will you make an effort to at least protect and extracate a US Citizen from the clutches of a criminal society that is a fault three-times over.
Mr. President, you are a republican, my USA family has three US republican presidents. Being a previousCalifornia resident, I have had to request Senator Feinstein and Rep. Pelosi for assistance...and I havenever ever been assisted to survive nor to exit thailand by either of these two who should be the first to protect and serve.
Is it now your policy to abandon and leave behind US citizens to the 'no mans land' of a third world dictatorship? Are you satisfiied that US Ambassador Ralph Boyce has never answered my letters plea for assistance; but who hasfrequently accepted awards from the illegal thai military junta and has managed to beautify a thai temple with $50,000 USD.
If you think that the US Dept of State is just doing their job of 'Statis Quo' then you will also not understand nor aid me, andI and my children can just forget about being an 'american', I see more being done for refugees in USA than aiding americans who are victims of those aliens who enjoy america.
with best regards,
US Citizen without Rights of Citizenship
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