Saturday, January 31, 2009

Petition to Obama who delayed-denied help

Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:48:38 -0800 (PST)
From: "K. conor" l

Subject: re: Correspondence to office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama
To: "Casework, Obama (Obama)",

Dear Senator Obama:

My situation and the history leading to it represents the FAILURE of AMERICA.

I am a bonefide US Citizen now in Bangkok Thailand, defrauded by the Thai Kasikorn Bank who chose to assist only the Thai [Olan-Malisa Khamphungton] I mistakenly sponsored for US Residency. This is fraud to a US Citizen Sponsor and fraud to a contracted bank account owner.

The US Government claims: Thailand has 'sovereign' rights and cannot be held responsible;
the US Embassy-State Department claims the US-government has 'sorveriegn' rights also
and cannot be held accountable for not aiding me, my family as crime victims..we are expendable casualties
of traveling.on their own to Thailand [they were not coerced] thus damages are our own fault.'

Sen.Feinstein and Rep.Pelosi have been contacting as frequently as has been Sec.State Rice and Pres.GW Bush.
No response for interest or assistance came from all of them. Feinstein and Pelosi and Boxer have been contacted
for almost eight years now.

Americans DO NOT AID AMERICANs...I cannot wait for the wave of hope or dream to bring releaf.

You are welcome to use this against the current government and against the Dept.State I do need help.

with best, always
Dr.K. conor

--- "Casework, Obama (Obama)"

> Dear Dr.Conor:

> Thank you for your recent correspondence to Senator
> Obama's Chicago office. While we are committed to assisting all
> constituents, a long-standing tradition of Congressional courtesy
> dictates that the current federal senators and representatives be
> afforded the opportunity to respond to their constituents of the districts from which they were elected.
> I have contacted Senator Feinstein's San Francisco district office and informed them that we were forwarding your correspondence for further investigation and assistance.
I trust her office will respond directly to you in a timely fashion about your concerns.

> Thank you again for your correspondence.
> Sincerely,
> Jenna Pilat
> Constituent Service Agent
> Office of US Senator Barack Obama
> 230 S. Dearborn, Suite 3900
> Chicago, IL 60604
> 312-886-3506 phone
> 312-886-3514 fax

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