Tuesday, March 11, 2008

American Chamber of Commerce denies aid to US Citizen crime victim in Bangkok

"The Voice of American Business in Thailand"

Business as Usual, Democracy as Usual, Citizens be Damned.

From: "Judy Benn"
Subject: RE: amchamthailand ETHICS
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:23:48 +0700

Thank you for your email and we are sorry to hear about
your troubles.

Unfortunately given that the chamber's mission is business and trade advocacy
and we have very limited resources, we are unable to take up personal issues
and therefore have no means to assist you.

Best regards.

American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand
AMCHAM Thailand
"The Voice of American Business in Thailand"

7/F GPF Witthayu A, 93/1 Wireless Road
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

Telephone (5 lines)
02 -254 - 1041 (Within Thailand)
66-2-254-1041 (International)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:18 PM
To: service@amchamthailand.com
Subject: amchamthailand ETHICS

Dear amchamthailand

I am curious regarding your function: you represent America or Business,
.....and does ETHICS enter into this?

My question comes from my being an american born citizen,
previous vietnam volunteer, previous NASA project engineer,
and medical consultant.....who has found that Thailand is
partnered with and and protected by the US Dept. State
...US Embassy Bangkok...US Ambassador
..whom AMCHAM has made their symbolic Govenor.

As there has been serious business fault:
breech of contract [Thai Kasikorn Bank], serious criminality [theft of assets by Thai Metro Police] and serious denial of US Citizen Rights and US Childrens
Rights by the US Embassy, and perjury by the US Embassy when investigated by US Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

The causitive source of this history was due to my mistakenly sponsoring a thai for US residency who defrauded me out of both my USA and the Thai bank accounts.

The damages done to me by the Thailand-side with the informed knowledge,
with denial of incident damages and possible actions to assist by the US Embassy,
result in a combined colusion which in any USA Court would be a conspiracy of convenience.

I and my family have found also that the US Embassy does NOT repatriate destituted US Citizen crime victims con gratis, this in itself endebts a victim already in
debt. and denies and abandons citizen children to a land of no opportunity.
The US Ambassador Mr.Eric John has in fact no answered my mail letter query as to
why myself and my family are denied aid or protection; we are not even provided with
an answer; prevous US Ambassador Skip Ralph Boyce also denied this request.

The unethical nature of the Thai Kasikorn Bank in its practices regarding accounts and resolutions is unassailable due to lawyers fears, judical favortism,
and that the Bank has Pol.Gen. Pow Sarasin as a board member.

Again, I am curious about AMCHAM as to the depth of the american ethics and if there is any interest in resolving such cases. I have already found that the
US Embassy and the Thailand Democratic Party, who will be sending 'representatives'
to the upcoming presidential election, have no interest in protecting americans either, but still blanket themselves with guise of being american democrates.

with regards,

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